Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yesterday, a truly horrible event occurred in our family. Our much loved family dog Max passed away. I'm not going into detail about what happened because this blog is not about that, this is about celebrating the life of one the best companions I've ever had.

Max was known for several characteristics. Mostly, his 'happy as Larry' personality, his obsession and love for all things edible, his extreme fear of water, his god awful breath, the way he pawed his bowl when he wanted food or water, his occassional encounter with 'humpy', and of course, his ridiculous yet amusing 'Bull Terrier dance'. But most of all, Max was known for his sixth sense. His knack for knowing how you were feeling and how he use to respond it it... Either by licking you ("his way of telling you he loves you" - as mum use to call it) or just by sitting with you (but mostly on you, rather than next to you).

What happen was nothing but an accident. These things happen, no amount of tears, anger, resentment nor feeling of shock will change what happened. No one is to blame. All we can do in these situations is to learn and grow from it. It's hard to battle the emotions, but we must remember, Max had an absolutely phenomenal life and was loved by all those around him. Although he is no longer here with us from day to day, he will always be in our hearts.
And that's what counts.

Max, wherever you are now. I hope your belly is being scratched to your hearts content and that they're feeding you well. (none of that dog food that you use to hate and only grudgingly ate)

Love Always,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just wanted to say..

Seeing two of my closest friends become friends is one of the most heart warming experiences ever. That's all.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some of my blog posts are lame, while others are more lame. I'm prefer the former.

My Garden State Moment


So I get on the bus this morning and it's about 1/3 full. I take a seat near the back door and sit by the window in respect for others who may want to take the seat next to me.

As the bus continues to slowly fill up, there seems to be a a huge radius of seats around me with no one in them. However, after all other seats on the bus are taken, people have no choice but to sit near me. They all seem hesitant to take these seats and all seem to look at me in pity.

There are two seats left on the bus and a woman chooses to stand rather than sit next to me.

Suddenly a hottie biscotti boards this bus and I think "Oh my god, it all makes sense, this is a sign, he is going to sit next to me and we're going to full in love and live happily ever after", however as he slowly makes his way towards me, he looks at me, cringes, and takes the seat next to the sickly, toothless woman sitting on the seat across from me.


and it's sadder than the underwear flinging story


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